Since I'm sick, again I know, I was thinking of stuff I need to take with me to New York. For so called inspiration I was looking on pretty (tumble)blogs. I feel pretty shallow that I'm only thiking about my presence and not my comfort. Maybe it's possible to combine, maybe. Here is a little collage of things I need to bring with me, just as a reminder. The collage shows clothes that look pretty and are comfy, I can't run a marathon on Alexander McQueen-ish shoes.

Conclusion: bring oversized jumpers, minnetonka's, leather leggings, black jeans, striped sweaters, denim blouses, leather jackets, furry hats, vintage bags and pretty blazers with me in my bag. And bring even more back home, a wish-list is coming.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Oeh! Ga je naar New York?! Wat heerlijk! Ben er van de zomer geweest en vond het helemaal geweldig! En begrijp volledig hoe je je voelt met betrekking tot het inpakken van je tas, maar houd zeker rekening met het feit dat er veel terug moet! ;-)
