rule nr 1. never talk about fight club,

Awesome, the heat is gone! It's now very windy and it's even raining, maybe if I'm lucky we'll get a storm for the rest of the year. I don't think this will get me much fans.. Yesterday my day was filled with movies, 'Fight Club' and 'Lost In Translation' to be precise. I had never seen 'Fight Club' and now it's on my LOVELIST! Helena Bonham Carter (who is also on my LOVELIST) is lovely as always and Brad Pitt is ehmm.. hot as always. The story is great and especially weird, which I really love in a movie!

I really love the dress she's wearing on this picture, I guess it's an old bridesmaids gown. It looks kinda sick with the hair and the dark eyes, almost like she is escaped from a mental hospital while wearing a dress made of curtains and a stolen pearl necklace. You have to see this movie, you really have to!

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