I hate this weather, nothing usefull can be done right now. The only things I've done today: listening to KOL (I'm obsessed), reading blogs, making some stupid collages and eating watermelon. And since the weather insn't getting better I decided to fill my holiday with tons of DIY (really hate that word). My brain is overflowing with awesome ideas; shirts, leggings, dresses, bags and shoes will have a radical change. I can't wait to buy shit and make them absolutely fabulous. But for now I have to please myself with some inspirational pictures.
Before I forget; In a few weeks I'm turning 16 and I have no ideas for a present (I had one but my mum tought a week NYC wasn't a good idea as a birthday present for a 16 year old, mwéh), so if you guys have a great idea, tell me!
Het is echt rotweer bummer! Haha jammer dat NYC niet doorgaat :p.. ik ben echt een ramp, weet nooit wat ik wil voor cadeautjes dus aan mij heb je ook niks. Naja misschien sieraden? Gewoon geld? Succes meid!